Free Consultation

Practice Areas

Auto Accidents

The Minnesota law firm McSweeney / Langevin is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide free legal advice to accident victims and families throughout Minnesota at 612-746-4646.

Our team of Minnesota car accident lawyers will make sure victim's legal rights are protected and that Minnesota accident victims and families receive maximum compensation.  Our accident attorneys will fight for victim's lost wages, medical bills, replacement services, car repairs, rental cars, and most importantly, monetary compensation for the pain and suffering caused by the other driver.  

The other driver's insurance company may already be investigating the accident.  Do not hesitate to contact one of our attorneys so we can begin to strike back on your behalf.


Workers' Compensation

Hundreds of millions of Americans wake up every morning to work hard for the benefit of their employers. In exchange, we receive paychecks so we can afford food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities. But what happens if someone is hurt on the job and can no longer work? How does he or she continue to pay bills and mortgages? Hopefully you will never have to ask these questions, but if you do, there is help.

Workers' compensation is a type of insurance that provides financial and medical compensation for people injured on the job.  By accepting these payments, workers voluntarily relinquish the right to sue their employers for pain and suffering.  Workers' compensation is an extremely complicated system.  We will be with you every step of the way to ensure you receive the financial and medical benefits you are entitled to.  In addition, we will also investigate your claim to see if there is any possible way to recover for pain and suffering.

How We Can Help

We will help you whether you were recently hurt at work, were recently denied workers compensation benefits, or even if you believe you have been underpaid for your injuries. The application process is rigid and complex, so it is risky to approach it without the aid of experienced attorneys who know how to handle these claims. We have represented countless injured workers.  Our attorneys will investigate your claim and advocate for your well being.

If you were injured at work and unsure about where to go from here, contact us to speak with us about your situation. We are ready to help you obtain the compensation you need to keep your life on track.


Medical Malpractice

We trust doctors and other medical professionals to treat us with the highest standards of professional care. At times, we literally put our lives in their hands. Thousands of people die every year from avoidable medical errors, and many more patients suffer severe, and even permanent, disabling injuries at the hands of careless and negligent doctors and nurses. The reality is that patients who are harmed by faulty medical services should not be forced to bear the burden of their increased suffering and financial loss. In many instances, the law empowers victims to seek recourse against careless medical professionals.

Common Cases of Malpractice

Failure to diagnose or delayed diagnoses, lack of informed consent, surgical errors, medication errors.

How Can We Help

McSweeney / Langevin has experience representing patients with claims against medical professionals and hospitals. We know success depends on combining our knowledge with diligent investigation to establish proof of the careless or negligent actions.  We are committed to doing so to help victims recover medical expenses, lost wages, and compensation for pain and suffering.

No one deserves anything less than first-rate medical care. If you or a loved one has suffered at the hands of a medical professional, don’t face this challenge alone. We urge you to contact us so we can discuss your options and put together a plan.